Hanni Kohl
Doom2 [2007]
Here we have a new German band getting all their influences from "girls". Well, at least, they tell so at their myspace page. So we gotta believe them right? Doom2 is their second self release, and they share the CD via their myspace too (in fact their both two releases can be downloaded from their page). Kicking off with an "introduction" track, one can pretty much get the whole idea behind their main motives and style immediately. Computerized sounds and minimal keyboard melodies with brutal ( and guttural for sure) vocals sets the tone for these young weirdos' music. Although it's quite hard to take them seriously at this phase of their career, nintendo-core admirers and Killwhitneydead fans would be interested in havin' a slice of this german outfit's ultra-non-commercial tunes.
Dude, that rocks. Know where is sold in Europe? THX =)
not very sure, though the myspace page should have some info about it i believe..
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