1 Let’s kick off the 5 Q&A with a question about the newest full-length AFS released. Immature Nobodies was recorded in United States, and it has an overall American way in both production and songwriting wise… What was the main motive and goal behind this decision?
Jonny: I think we felt it was time to reach out to a new audience in America,although the album has a very American sound to it,we are still writing about things that piss us off and playing the music we love,a natural progression for us as a band.
Carl: Thing is, we have always held back in what we have played, since a lot of us are from rock/metal/thrash backgrounds, we didnt want to have these influences seaping into our songs before. When we decided to write this album, it was gloves off and play what the fuck we wanted.
2 After checking out the discography section at AFS’s official website, you can’t help but have a feeling of getting quite confused with all those releases in various formats. Can you lead us briefly through AFS’s recorded material history?
Jonny: Kind of what Carl says below,we have this ethos that everthing we write is good enough to record so that's exactlly what we do,we didn't want to be one one those bands who were together for years and tehn looked back and had nothing to show for it,hence oue somewhat prolific output
Carl: Record everything .... release everything ... as simple as that :)

Jonny: Seemed like a good name for a band and helped us design an eyecatching,if rather tongue in cheek,logo
Carl: AFS, yes that an old term for Aux Fire Service from the 2nd world war i think?, AFS is short for “Arthritic Foot Soldiers”, which was a remark about “middle age shred.com, which is a skateboarding site for older skater, which we set up.
4What’s AFS up to these days? As it’s been awhile since the release of Immature Nobodies, any plans for new full-length on the way?
Jonny: We are currently writing and rehearsing songs for the new album,Trash Vegas,we've around 8 pretty much written in a rough form and over the next few months will continue working on arrangements etc,in preparation for recording in December this year.
Carl: We took a year off after we recorded “Immature nobodies in the US, not because of the album, more our of time, we all have other bands we write record with. But now we are back writing our 4th album “Trash Vegas”.

- Playing at NY’s CBGB in mid-70s or at London’s 100 Club in 1976 ?
Jonny: London’s 100 Club in1976 – just to have been part of the embyonic beginings of Punk Rock in the UK
Carl: Always wanted to gig CBGB’s ... just because really
- The Stooges or MC5?
Jonny: The Stooges – Iggy just keeps on going and going and going...
Carl: Stooges, they just did what they did, they didnt give a fuck.
- The Clash or Sex Pistols?
Jonny: The Clash – A big influence on my songwriting and helped me join the Great Punky Reggae Party.
Carl: Sex Pistols ... dispite being manufactored, they had a massive impact on me as a child.
- Army Boots? Or a whole catalogue of Skater shoes?
Jonny: Skater shoes every time, I never fancied Army Boot trench foot !
Carl: Skate shoes every time.
- Vinyls or Mp3s ?
Jonny: Vinyl- Something nice about physically holding a piece of music you've created yourself.
Carl: VINYL.... fucking love vinyl.
- Sid or Nancy?
Jonny: Niether – Sid became a puppet and Nancy,well just bad news all round really.
Carl: Neither ... both were fucking useless twats!
to check out AFS @ myspace: www.myspace.com/arthriticfootsoldiers
for the official website: www.afs.me.uk
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