one bullet left @myspace

One Bullet Left is a metal band from Germany founded in 2005. We are 5 guys having a good time making loud, noisy music with really heavy sounding riffs but also a lot of melody involved. I hope that's enough information ... You can find more about us on our myspace page (especially our biography), of course...
- I know that you guys are currently working on the debut full-length. What's the current state of the album? Any release dates confirmed?
There is no release date confirmed yet, no. But we have finished five songs completely, and three other ones are almost done. The working vibe is pretty good at the moment, so we are confident that we will succeed finishing this first album soon.
-The overall sound and style of the debut album will be like the tracks featured at your myspace page or will there be any minor or major differences? which one of the songs you have at your profile page do you think represents OBL's sound best?
One of the best things about this band is, from my personal point of view as a musician, that there is a broad range of diversity within the music. You can say that each one of our songs somehow is „metal“, but one track can sound like thrash metal, another one is more like metalcore or death metal or whatever... i know that most bands claim to be innovative and diverse like that, but in this case, i would swear on my mom that to be true ;)
„Armageddon Sunrise“ shows our melodic side, i would suggest, „Feast For The Carnivore“ is a more brutal song, so those two combined, you maybe can get a feeling for what to expect of our album, maybe ..

- Current German metal/hardocore scene seems to quite active maybe even the most productive scene in European territories.. what would you like to tell us about the scene and OBL's place and goals in this scene?
The German scene really is active, yes, but this does not necesserily mean an advantage for a band, because it's pretty obvious, that it gets difficult to catch some attention when you are one among thousands...On the other hand, it's is pretty cool to meet new people so often on concerts and having the opportunity to play on so many different locations, festivals etc., and we don't take that for granted; I guess, we are very lucky to be a metal band from germany, a lot of metal things going on here...
I don't really know what to say about our „place“ in this scene, other people have a more objective point of view on that, I guess... Finishing our first full length- album is our main goul at the moment, a record, that each member of the band can be proud of...that should be the most important thing...if other people like our stuff, we feel very comfortable with that, of course...but you can't predict the future anyway, so we will see, what will happen after that, who knows...
- Apart from OBL, tell which other bands you think will be big sooner or later from Germany's underground metal/hardcore scene?
Wow, difficult question. As you know and I told, the scene here is SO active...Seriously, I really don't have a clue... there are a lot of bands with much potential, that's for sure...
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