Here's a brand new interview (a short one indeed, i know you don't like to read pages & pages of tiny words on the internet!) done with Blaine of Dayton, Ohio's
Circle Of Twelve.
The band also likes their music do the talkin' so let's cut it "short and sweet" and hear what Blaine got to say. -
You state at your myspace page that you guys are born ("tossed screamin' into this world" as it's written) for music. Is that really how you think? or you just wrote that sentence just because it sounds cool?
As for us being tossed into this world screaming for the reason of music, we exaggerate this statement just a "little" bit lol. COT is basically throwing the message out that each of our lives revolve around music in some way, big or small. And also the fact that, its not only for our expression but, for others to connect with our expression and just enjoy the gift of music.
- As far as i know, an Ep is works right now and will be available in a few weeks time.. Any news about the EP? Is it gonna be an internet only release or will people be able to find it in stores?
Yes, we are currently working on an EP release. Its been really hard for us to get the EP recorded between personal lives and things like bills, money, shows, ect.....But thats isn't going to hold us back. We are shooting for it to be released and available online and at shows by mid April possibly sooner. Distribution in stores has been a thought, but financial reasons do tend to set us back sometimes. It will be a four to five song EP depending on what is decided. -
Your myspace profile viewed nearly 40 thousand times.. So what i really wonder is your opinion about promoting your band via internet.. Is that the only valid way of promoting your music nowadays? What happened to good old days' flyers, tape trades etc. :)
The internet has become a very huge way of promoting. It has gotten to the point where many national bands do not even have a "DOT" com anymore. Almost everything has turned "via" Myspace. One thing a lot of bands don't realize is that the internet isn't everything. what I'm trying to state here is, that a lot of people around the world still do not have a computer or the internet. So how are they supposed to hear you music? The good old days still aren't over. Many of our fans have either seen us play live or heard from someone who has. I have actually walked into a random music store and found our flyer's hanging up! Basically our main outlook is to do everything you can to promote and don't rely solely on the internet.
- As for the last question i'd like to learn about the plans of COT for the rest of the year?Our plans for this year are, to get as many shows as we can and promote as much as possible to bring the music to people. We have all have all dreamed of being "rockstars" one day and the simple fact is, that its harder than it seems. By any means is that no reason to ever give up or quit enjoying what you love most. thanks to all and every person who ever beleived we could even get this far.......