Out now on Razorback Recordings! FESTERED is pure "blood and guts" DEATH METAL done the old-school American way! Imagine a mix of Death "Scream Bloody Gore", Autopsy "Mental Funeral", Master from 1985, Slaughter(Canada) "Strappado", and the morbid feeling of the original TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE and you get an idea of what this is all about! Nothing modern here...and no triggers or polished production. This is simply dirty and raw DEATH METAL the way it should always be! Artwork was drawn by the cult underground artist Drew Elliott, who drew the classic album art for the very first Necrophagia album cover, along with cult EP covers for Goreaphobia, Amorphis, and more! Mixing and mastering once again provided by Patrick Bruss (Impetigo, Cianide, etc). Features the lead singer of Father Befouled!
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